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Lab Details
Lab 0: Introduction Explanation of lab requirements and processes
Lab 1: Breadboard Introduction to the breadboard and IC chips
Lab 2: Oscilloscope Introduction to the oscilloscope
Lab 3: Verilog, Simulation, and Downloading Introduction to Structural Verilog and Vivado
Lab 4: Arithmetic Logic Unit Advanced Structural Verilog
Lab 5: Seven Segment Display Introduction to Dataflow Verilog
Lab 6: Dataflow Operators Advanced Dataflow Verilog
Lab 7: Register File Introduction to Behavioral Verilog
Lab 8: Seven Segment Display Controller Advanced Behavioral Verilog
Lab 9: Serial Communicator Basic state machine design
Lab 10: LC3 Modules and Datapath LC3 microprocessor's inner modules
Lab 11: LC3 Controller and Datapath Full microprocessor with select instructions
