Capturing Simulation Screenshots

You will be asked to create screenshots of your simulations for many of the laboratory assignments. This brief tutorial describes how to properly take a screenshot of your simulation for your laboratory report. When taking a screenshot of your simulation, include the following:

  • The signal names of the waveforms that are captured
  • The appropriate waveform length and zoom setting.

Do not take a screen shot of the entire simulation window but rather scale the various panes in the window and the waveform view so that simulation waveform is easy to read and evaluation. Use the windows "snipping tool" to capture your waveforms.

The following example demonstrates a “good” screenshot. Notice that the screenshot is cropped to include only the names of the signals and the relevant waveform content. This waveform is easy to read and evaluate.


Below is an example of a poor simulation screenshot. Note that the waveforms are very wide (harder to read) and lots of the surrounding window is visible. Because of the zoom scale, the waveforms are small, further decreasing legibility. Also notice that not all the possible combinations of inputs are represented.