Here are the notes we went over from the first day of lab meeting…


Sp20 Lab 1 - Installing on Your Computer

Your job for this lab is to select how you intend on working with Vivado during the semester and then do the installation for that method.

You may be uncertain which option you should choose. If so, please talk with the instructor or a TA to get your questions answered.

The various options all take different amounts of time. Options #1 and #2 likely will take 3-4 hours - most of which will be you waiting for your computer to download files. Option #3 likely will take about an hour. So, if you have not yet started you will not finish during the lab time and will need to complete this lab on your own in the coming few days.

The options are documented here along with installation instructions. This link can also be found in the lower left of the 220 wiki page and is called “Sp2020 Vivado Procedures”.

Completing Labs

The labs are broken up into Exercises. For each exercise there will be questions in red. You are to record your answers to those in a lab notebook you keep of some kind. Then, when you are done, you go in to Learning Suite where you will find assignments with names like “Lab 1 Online Report”. You go into that assignment and there will be places for you to enter the information you were asked to collect/compute/tabulate in red here. That will give you credit for the “Lab Online Report” assignments.

In addition, each lab has one or more things marked in green that will constitute the “Lab Passoff” credit in the gradebook. You go to the appropriate “Lab Passoff” entry in Assignments on LearningSuite and attach the requested things there.

Finally, you will be asked to pass something off with the TA in most of the labs. These are NOT recorded or graded. The purpose of these is to help ensure you are on the right track before you proceed and waste a lot of your time doing the wrong thing. A word to the wise: since they are designed to save you lots of time, don't ignore them - they will save your bacon!

Exercise #1: Do the Installation

Follow the instructions here for the method you have chosen.

Once you have complete the installation, you will need to start up the Vivado program and take a screen shot of its startup screen. It will look something like this.

Attach a screen shot of the Vivado startup screen to LearningSuite.

Exercise #2: Connect Board and Verify Vivado To Recognizes It

Connect the FPGA board you were sent to your computer. Use a micro-USB cable.

In this picture, the place to plug in the “micro” end of the cable is highlighted. BE SURE to plug it in the right way (possibly upside from what is shown). Plug the other end into a USB port on your computer.

Turn on the board on using the slide switch marked “Power” that is just above where the cable plugs in in the figure above. Lights should now come on on the board.

If you installed using Option #1 or Option #2 then do the following:

  1. Now, start up Vivado again and select “Open Hardware Manager” (center of this screen).
  2. In the window that then appears, click “Open Target” (upper middle) and then “Auto Connect”. If your board is plugged in and powered on, you will see that it has been detected as shown here. The info there will be specific to your board and will differ from what is shown, which is for a slightly different board. However, it will be obvious it has detected a Xilinx board.

If you are using Option #3 then do the following:

  1. Start up Adept
  2. It should auto-recognize the board and give you a screen that looks something like this.

Take and attach a screenshot showing that your board is recognized by either Vivado or Adept.

Final Pass-Off

Attach the things in green above to the “Lab 1 Passoff” assignment in LearningSuite.

Final Questions

How many hours did it take you to do this lab?

List the problems you encountered in completing this lab. For each, give a short explanation of what went wrong and how you fixed it.