=====Tips on Working Remotely===== Tips we have learned collectively while working remotely will be put here... Remember to start by first setting up for remote access using the "Remote Vivado Access" link from the 220 lab wiki page. ====LabConnect==== * Do NOT work on the C: drive - if you get disconnected you will never get back to that specific machine to find your files. :-/ ====Citrix==== * Running in Chrome is easy to set up, but the graphics (at least on my machine) were a bit, shall we say, //interesting//. * The resolution was sometimes fuzzy (Citrix sends rapid screenshots to your local machine - that is how the GUI works). By dragging the right window edge left and letting it recalibrate and then dragging it right again and letting it recalibrate the fuzziness could be eliminated. * Some things fall off the bottom of the screen and are hidden * For example, the typical way to run a .tcl file is to right-click it and select "Run" from the bottom of the popup window. On some machines that popup window goes off the edge of the screen. The alternative is to "source" the file. That is, you can execute it as command in the Tcl Console. The Tcl Console understands many shell commands such as: * pwd - what directory am I in? * cd - go to a different directory * Example: //cd B:/220Labs/Decoder// (go to a specific directory) * Example: //cd ..// (go up one directory level) * dir - show the files in the current directory * Using these you can navigate to your project directory and then you can execute: //source mytclfile.tcl// (or whatever you named it). * And don't forget all the other things you can do from the Tcl Console rather than mouse-ing around to find things. Remember, anything you do with the mouse can be done in the console (look in the console window above the prompt to see what the various mouse clicks actually do). * Finally, when working with the Tcl Console don't forget that Up-Arrow on the keyboard will let you cycle back through previous commands, making it easy to repeatedly do something like: //run 1000ns//. * Does installing the Citrix Desktop App might solve the above problems? Let us know and we will inform the others.